Sleep habits and academic performance in medical students
Obesity and Sleep Duration in Young Saudi Adults: Is There an Association?
What Happens During REM Sleep in Patients with Shrinking Lung Syndrome?
Circadian Pattern of Sleep, Energy Expenditure, Body Temperature and heat Flux during Ramadan Fasting Using the ArmBand
The Utility of ApneaLink as a Screening Tool for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Assessment of sleep pattern, energy expenditure and circadian pattern of body temperature for patients with acute coronary syndrome using the armband: a preliminary report
The Effect of One-night CPAP Therapy on Oxidative Stress and Anti-oxidant Defense in Patients with Severe OSA
Prevalence of Restless Legs Syndrome and its Correlates in a large Sample of Saudis
Effect of Ramadan Fasting on the Circadian Pattern of Sleep after Controlling for Mealtime: an Objective Assessment
Sodium Oxybate in Patients with Refractory Cataplexy: A University Center Experience