Prevalence of symptoms and risk of sleep apnea in patients with ruptured cerebral aneurysm.
Decision making in obstructive sleep-disordered breathing. Putting it all together.
The effects of Ramadan fasting on sleep patterns and daytime sleepiness: An objective assessment.
Intermittent fasting during Ramadan: does it affect sleep?
Objective assessment of drowsiness and reaction time during intermittent Ramadan fasting in young men: a case-crossover study.
Sleep medicine education and knowledge among medical students in selected Saudi Medical Schools.
Pressure-controlled ventilation and sleep in COPD patients in the intensive care unit: The role of tidal volume?
Per3 length polymorphism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Sleep medicine services in Saudi Arabia: The 2013 national survey.
A comparison between the AASM 2012 and 2007 definitions for detecting hypopnea.