Why REM sleep is reduced in aquatic and semi-aquatic mammals? A discussion of the possible theories. | |
Abstract: Although most mammals experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the primary function of REM sleep is still debatable. Current data show that aquatic mammals have absent or reduced REM sleep and that semi-aquatic mammals have reduced REM sleep when in water. A few theories have been proposed to explain this reduction in REM sleep in aquatic species... |
Immune-Mediated Comorbidities in Saudi Patients with Narcolepsy. | |
Abstract: Background: Autoimmunity has been proposed as a cause of narcolepsy. A few studies have assessed comorbid autoimmune diseases in patients with narcolepsy, with conflicting results; however, no study has assessed autoimmune diseases in Arab narcolepsy patients. This study aimed to assess the coexistence of immune-mediated conditions such as allergies... |
Prevalence of poor sleep quality in the Ethiopian population: A systematic review and meta-analysis. | |
Chronotherapeutics: Recognizing the Importance of Timing Factors in the Treatment of Disease and Sleep Disorders. | |
Abstract: This review describes the characteristics of a number of pathologies, which are considered from the point of view of chronobiology, that is, the way in which biological processes are expressed throughout the 24-hour day. This perspective is a relatively new way of thinking about disease and additionally about how to treat diseases... |
Sleepy driving and risk of obstructive sleep apnea among truck drivers in Saudi Arabia. | |
Ventilator- and interface-related factors influencing patient-ventilator asynchrony during noninvasive ventilation. | |
Abstract: Patient–ventilator asynchrony (PVA) is common in patients receiving noninvasive ventilation (NIV). This occurs primarily when the triggering and cycling-off of ventilatory assistance are not synchronized with the patient’s inspiratory efforts, and could result in increased work of breathing and NIV failure... |
Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders among Patients with Narcolepsy. | |
Abstract: Purpose: This case-control study assessed the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Arab (Saudi) patients with narcolepsy using a structured clinical interview. Methods: The study included 74 adult patients with narcolepsy and 265 controls matched for age and sex. Narcolepsy diagnosis was made according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders-Third Edition... |
Sleep and Sleep Pharmacology. | |