Clinical Atlas of Polysomnography. | |
Abstract: Written for sleep technologists, Clinical Atlas of Polysomnography is a comprehensive guide to basic information regarding normal sleep, sleep disorders, and electrophysiology that is outside of the scope of the AASM manual (AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events)... |
Clinical Atlas of Polysomnography. | |
Multimodal Physiotherapy Improves Pain, Functional Disability, Sleep Quality and Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain Patients. | |
Abstract: Background and purpose- Mechanical neck pain is a common problem affecting people worldwide. According to current evidence, 30% to 50% of general population suffers from MNP and experience chronic pain yearly. The use of objective measures such as cervical range of motion; cervical muscles strength, endurance and electromyography have been widely used in mechanical neck pain interventional studies... |
Kleine-Levin Syndrome: Clues to etiology. | |
Immune-Mediated Comorbidities in Saudi Patients with Narcolepsy. | |
Abstract: Background: Autoimmunity has been proposed as a cause of narcolepsy. A few studies have assessed comorbid autoimmune diseases in patients with narcolepsy, with conflicting results; however, no study has assessed autoimmune diseases in Arab narcolepsy patients... |
Medieval Islamic scholarship and writings on sleep and dreams. | |
Abstract: Islamic civilization between the 7th and the 15th centuries made great contributions to the development of science and medicine, and discoveries made during this time formed the basis for the emergence of the European Renaissance. Muslims view sleep as one of the great signs of Allāh, and a number of Muslim scholars studied and wrote on sleep and dreams... |
Insufficient Sleep Syndrome: Is it time to classify it as a major noncommunicable disease?. | |
Dimensionality of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: a systematic review. | |
Assessment of sleepiness, fatigue, and depression among Gulf Cooperation Council commercial airline pilots. | |
Abstract: PURPOSE: No studies have assessed the prevalence of fatigue, depression, sleepiness, and the risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) among commercial airlines pilots in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). METHODS: This was a quantitative cross-sectional study conducted among pilots who were on active duty and had flown during the past 6 months for one of three commercial airline companies. We included participants with age between 20 and 65 years...
Non-invasive ventilation in low- and low-middle income countries: Insights for real-world analysis. | |