Association between sleep quality and inflammatory complement components in collegiate males.
Sleep and Sleep Pharmacology.
Sleep pattern, daytime sleepiness, and eating habits during the month of Ramadan.
Restless legs syndrome and pregnancy: Prevalence, possible pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment.
The Effect of Ramadan Intermittent Fasting on Lipid Peroxidation in Healthy Young Men while Controlling for Diet and Sleep: A pilot study.
Adherence to and Complications of CPAP in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Key Determinants.
Gender differences in patients with obesity hypoventilation syndrome. | |
P-058YIPrevalence of Restless Leg Syndrome Among Patients Suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Saudi Arabia. | |
Spontaneous K-Complex Density in Slow-Wave Sleep. | |
Sleep Medicine Knowledge among Medical Students in Seven Egyptian Medical Faculties. | |