Course Contents
Intensive Five Days Program
Day 01: Introduction Of Sleep Medicine:
The participants will have an introduction to the field of clinical polysomnography with emphasis on sleep definitions and functions. Perform a complete patient hookup for overnight polysomnography.
Day 02: Polysomnographic Recording Procedures:
The participants will learn the principles of EEG recording, digital recording, how to calibrate monitoring equipment, utilize proper montage, protocol used during PSG studies, and to have proper documentation. They will be exposed on hands-on data acquisition.
DAY 03: Introduction to Sleep Disorders:
It gives an overview of different disorders during sleep.
DAY 04: Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders Treatment:
The participants will learn the basics of various therapeutic interventions of Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP, Bi-Level), and Oxygen used during the course of a sleep study. Proper mask fitting technique and other techniques needed to enhance adherence will be reviewed.
DAY 05: Scoring Sleep Studies, MSLT, Assessment of Daytime Sleepiness, Recognition and Correction of Artifact:
The participant will learn comprehensive theoretical and practical laboratory training in PSG scoring (Sleep Stages, Respiratory events, PLM’s and Arousals), identifying and correcting artifacts and how to assess EDS (Excessive Daytime Sleepiness) subjectively and objectively.
For more Information, please call:
University Sleep Disorders Center
│Tel.: +966 11 467 1784 - 467 9179
│Fax: +966 11 467 1039